Public worship practices

 ECCC gives priority to the Gospel over the canons and the tradition of the Church. It allows these to be used and interpreted solely in accordance with Christ’s teaching, according to the New Testament in the context of modern Christian humanism.

ECCC is an ecclesiastical community of believers in Jesus Christ, who fellowship with each other of their own free will and who preserve the inviolability of their personal freedom, dignity and way of communicating with God.

ECCC does not require its members to abide by the teaching of a particular Christian tradition and gives them freedom to choose the type of liturgy and church community (CC) which they want to attend.

ECCC grants the bishop, the priest or the pastor the freedom to choose when determining the type and the order of the public worship service in the CC, of which he is a part, in accordance with the will and the spiritual needs of its members.

Any Eastern Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant Christian, or a Christian from any other branch of Christianity can become a member of ECCC without having to give up or change their usual public worship practice and way of fellowshipping with God, as well as being under no obligation to break their ties with the religious community where he/she has confessed his/her faith.

ECCC encourages ecumenical church s

ervices in common and reserves the right to use all the established liturgical practices, as well as create new ones according to the needs of Christians for a fuller communion with the Holy Spirit.

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